Monday, October 27, 2008


Fragile and delicate
Friendship that was established over a long period of time
Can be destroyed by a small misunderstanding!
Communicating - from our hearts
Listening - to our minds
Reaching out to clear misunderstanding in true sincerity
Those are keys to solving any breakdown in communications!
Let's not allow ego and pride to be in the way
For both are delusions of the mind!
Why hold on to something that is an elusion?
All problems originate from a single unwholesome thought
Which grows out of proportion when mishandled
Sowing the seeds for future negative relationships
Concentrate on the good of each other
Rather than the wrongs
Let go of ill feelings towards one another
Always believe in equality in all outcomes
Even though we might not seem to witness it now
Remember our mission for this life
Is to find peace within
peace with others

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do agree with you again. I really get confused of what is friendship. But you make me get clear a little bit(just a little bit lar). Thanks.